♥ Dating Advice: My man never wants sex! 9 Reasons Why He Ignores Your Hoo-ha Expert Dating Advice |
Expert Dating Advice
by me, HogWild
E in Philadelphia writes... Dear Hog, My boyfriend is in the same major as me and I admire his insight and intelligence. He is consistently doing things for me and helping me. He always reassures me of how he thinks I am beautiful whenever I start talking to him about how I think he is disinterested in me. But there is a problem in our relationship that he thinks is insignificant but I think it's detrimental... He never wants to have sex with me -- no touching, no cuddling, he doesn't even seem to care when I dress in front of him or wear sexy undies to get his attention. SEXY GIRL UNDIES UNSEXY GIRL UNDIES I'm constantly putting myself out there and he never wants me. He still has his morning wood and masturbates regularly so he has a sex drive. He just doesn't want to have sex. I've confronted him about it on several occasions and each time he has simple answers: I just don't like sex as much as you, I don't have a sex drive, you want to have sex too much. He makes me feel like there is something wrong with me, like I am ugly. I often feel like maybe if I were different he would maybe want to have sex with me. I can't walk next to him in a super market without looking at girls that pass me by and wonder if he would like me better if I looked like them.... I know it is extremely unhealthy that I stay in a relationship like this but there are a lot of positive things in our relationship, too. He takes care of me, I can rely on him, he is loyal, I know he would never cheat on me, he gives me plenty of space and if I asked him to do anything for me he would do it. We've only been dating for 8 months and he was going to buy me a car for Christmas. Hog: Ya know back in my less sensitive days, I'd say (cough) Compensating. Compensating for no sex with a car. (cough) What good is a car if you can't have sex in the backseat? (cough) Use the car to drive to a guy's house who will have sex with you. hahahaha :) He is exactly the person I need so that I can stay focused on other things besides men...but he just never wants to have sex. I have often asked myself if I can see myself marrying him. I honestly don't know... I don't know what to do. Please help, Hog! - E in Philadelphia For most issues, you should talk it out with your partner. But this is a very touchy subject -- heh TOUCHY subject -- so if you talk about it be VERY careful or else you will bruise his ego and worsen the problem. Besides, you’ve already notified him of your concern. He knows. Nagging never helps. Women of the world, repeat this mantra: NAGGING NEVER HELPS! You're smarter than that! There are many other ways to get what you want! Now before I go through the possibilities, you need to know one crucial thing: You are awesome. If you are beautiful enough to attract this great man into your life, then have no fears about your prettiness. Yes, some men will find you super attractive and some will prefer a different look but that's a COMPATIBILITY issue -- not a prettiness issue. OK, so let's look at 9 possible reasons your man isn't excited to engage in the sticky-squishy-fishy-flop-dance. Girls, here are Reasons Your Man Doesn’t Want to Sha-Boink You 1 - He has some emotional sexual hang-up or issue. He could have a boner issue because of an emotional block. Yes, he can be fine stroking his hard pleasure pole all alone because he feels detached from reality -- he's in a world of fantasy, but when another human is involved, he gets anxious and his hard-on gets softer than a campfire marshmallow. So... he doesn’t want to embarrass himself by starting up with the cuddlin' and kissin' and then not being able to perform. REDNECK GUY: Yee-ha! Perform what? A puppet show? Aw, it ain't nothin'! You just stick yer hand up there and hope for the best! Yeee-hillbilly-sex-tips! He must solve this emotional problem or else he risks never knowing the full awesomeness of a romantic relationship with you or with anyone! His emotional hurt could come from almost anything and he may not feel comfortable talking about it with you because you're the one he has to get naked around. He should consult an awesome dating coach :) or a therapist or some other way -- but he needs to fix this if he ever wants a full relationship. And by full relationship, I mean sex! And by sex, I mean hot sweaty thumbwrestling! 2 - He has a physical sexual problem. If he's young, this is very unusual but possible. It might not directly be a broken boner problem but a blood or energy problem such as with thyroid illnesses. But I kinda doubt it since he's a young man who is healthy enough to jerk his jammy and he wakes up with happy pants. 3 - He is super stressed and preoccupied with other thoughts such as survival, death of a loved one, a serious point in his career, or completing Level 12 of X-Conquerors. Most men are so sex-driven, they not only THINK about sex during times of crisis, they WISH for times of crisis just because it might be easier to get sex. TYPICAL GUY: Oh my Lord! A huge earthquake! Caused by a tornado! And the tornado is on fire! TYPICAL GIRL: Aaaaaaaah!!! TYPICAL GUY: We might die! We should totally have sex before we're swallowed alive by the flaming chasm of Earth! TYPICAL GIRL: AAAAAAHHHH!! TYPICAL GUY: Yes, keep your mouth wide open! That's so hot! 4 - Super rare case: he is truly not a sexual person. This is what he's trying to sell you. It's not you, it's him. And THAT part is true. But... a guy with a low sex drive usually wants sex -- just less often. But zero sex? Hmm... More likely he has some serious emotional issue that prohibits him from fully enjoying sex. Examples include: a crazy fear of getting a girl pregnant because he's not ready to be a father or he feels unworthy of being one. A super fear of being bad at sex. Or he could be ashamed of his pen!s. These are not entirely rational fears that you can easily fix. Sometimes it's not enough to simply tell your man, "Hey, you have a wonderful wiener and I enjoy feeling it enter my love sleeve... after I've taken my birth control pill." If he really cares, he needs to seek help to correct his issue. Or maybe he feels just fine being non-sexual. That’s his choice. 5 - He is not attracted to you because... This is taken from my Premium Members section where I post my new videos. Here are some more tips, but only Premium Members get the entire video + access to over 125 full dating and relationship videos in the Video Vault! - Even a guy with a raging sex drive who is turned on by the sight of the hole in a doughnut can be turned OFF by a girl who doesn’t match his sexual needs. This is not always a looks-thing. It can be a personality-thing. - You care about this man, but you don't want to accept the lack of naked hugs. That’s good! You're not ready to become a sexless grandma who replaces v@ginal pleasures with baking cookies and knitting sweaters. No! You're a young, vivacious woman! You want pleasures of the flesh AND the baked goods! You don't want to knit him a sweater! You want to knit him a CONDOM! :) So here's an experiment to try... Only Premium Members have access to this Video! 1 - Learn more about the Premium Membership or 2 - You realize Life is Short, get the relationship you deserve and Join Now! Comment below! Would you stay with a man who didn't want sex if everything else was great in your relationship? How would you entice him to have more sex?
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♥ Dating Advice: My man never wants sex! 9 Reasons Why He Ignores Your Hoo-ha Expert Dating Advice |