How to Get a Man, How to Get a Guy. HOGWILD.NET expert dating advice Relationship Advice. |
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Watch my Dating Advice Video: How to Get a Man or read my dating advice for How to Get a Guy below: Hey Hog, I think your videos are so helpful and funny! I am wondering if you could help me with how to get a guy I like. I have been talking to him on webcam and he says I'm so pretty. We exchange texts regularly, we give the idea of meeting up a couple of times but haven't actually made any plans. One day he asked if I had kissed anyone recently, and I said no, not yet. What about you? And he said he kissed a really pretty girl but isn't going out with her -- she was just an old friend wanting to meet up. Is this is to make me jealous? Or to kinda rub it in my face? - A in the U.K. Hog's Relationship Advice: ![]() Rub it in your face? There's only one thing a guy wants to rub in a girl's face and it's his... Chicken wings! I got chicken wings and you don't! Nah-nah! No guy just kisses a girl he thinks is really pretty and then forgets about it. THINGS GUYS DON'T FORGET ABOUT This girl he kissed was an old friend? Doubt it. Yes, it sounds like he made it up. Or he did kiss a girl but SHE decided to not pursue anything further. Don't worry what a guy is doing with other girls. You will always have competition. And he will always have competition, too. You will always have other guys who want to get with you. Thinking about who else is out there trying to get your man will drive you crazy! THINGS THAT WILL DRIVE YOU CRAZY You need to establish a trusting relationship built on more than just one thing. If a guy is with you just because you are attractive then yes, he may leave you for a hotter girl. Or if you are with a guy just because he's rich, you will be tempted by a guy who is richer. That's why you should only enter a relationship when you like a person for a BUNCH of reasons. It's easy to replace someone with ONE great quality, it's difficult to replace someone who is attractive AND kind AND caring AND funny AND a snazzy dresser. Snazzy. Why is this guy hesitating to go on a real date with you? He should ask you out already. He will when these two things happen: 1 - He is very attracted to you This dude has already said you are pretty and he's spending time talking to you so yes, he likes you. Now you need to let him know that you like him back. To do this you can say things like, - "I think you're pretty, too! Er, I mean, handsome." - "I think you're really awesome." - "I'd like to bring one of my girlfriends and we'll use your body like a see-saw." Now for the more challenging part: How to get a man more attracted to you... The big secret is that guys get more attracted to you once they know YOU are attracted to them. This guy already likes you and thinks you're pretty. That means all you need to do is make him a little bit hotter for you... Since he's being a butt-munch and not asking you out, you need to let him know that you are not waiting around for him forever. (And you shouldn't!) THINGS WORTH WAITING FOR Tell this guy that talking over webcam is cool and all but you're getting bored of it. You'd rather hang out in real life. He should get the hint. How to get a guy? --> Be interested in him. Ask him about the things he is passionate about. If he's in a band, ask him about it. Go to his shows. Listen to his music. Leave him a message on his profile saying he's sooo snazzy. If he's on the Math Team, go to his meets and cheer him on! Tell him that while his pencil may be a #2, he is #1! In your heart. SUPER ADVANCED TECHNIQUE: You can get a guy to like you more if you get him to associate things he ALREADY loves with you. For instance, say he has a favorite TV show that makes him crack up laughing. Talk to him about it and have him tell you about the funniest episode. As he tells you, he will be remembering and having good feelings and laughing. And now you are right there next to him. Those good feelings will rub off on you. Do this with all sorts of things. Have him talk about things that make him happy while you are there. Or better, BE THERE while he is doing the things that make him happy. Also, don't always be available whenever he calls. Always return his messages but show him that you have a life. That he has to compete for your attention. A guy has to EARN your full attention. He has to EARN his way to be priority number 1. He hasn't done that yet. You can also let him know that other guys are interested in you but you are not interested in them. You can complain to him, "I'm tired of all these guys trying to hit on me. I'm not interested in them." This shows that you have choices because you are desirable. A guy wants to feel like he has a highly desirable girl and that she only likes him. Basically you are stroking his ego until he gets an Ego-Boner. Work his ego and make him feel great. HOW TO GET A MAN BY GIVING HIM AN EGO-BONER So tell him you think he's great! Snazzy. * More HogWild Dating Advice
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How to Get a Man, How to Get a Guy. HOGWILD.NET expert dating advice Relationship Advice. |