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Flirty Guys
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Hi Hog, How do you tell if a flirty guy likes you as more than just a flirt-buddy? Are relationships with flirty guys even worth it? - K Hog's Relationship Advice: ![]()
Your question is great! You're such a talented question-asker. You're a lot different from the other girls who ask me questions. Your question is very sexy. See what I did there? HA HA HA! Actually, your question is excellent. Because so many of the problems with dating and "the chase" are caused by miscommunication. How do you know if he's being sincere with you or if he's like that with all the girls? HogWild Dating Rule #8,012: "Actions speak louder than words." (Except for the word YOWZA! because that's a pretty loud word.) What a person tells you means very little compared to what they actually do. It's easy for someone to say they like you. But what does that mean if they can't back it up with ACTION? Does that person DO things to show they like you? Things a guy should DO to show that he really likes you: 1 - spend time with you 2 - stay awake while listening to your stories no matter how boring they are 3 - politely point his butt away from you while farting Girls and guys flirt for different reasons. Girls flirt when: 1 - they like the guy or 2 - they don't like the guy but they like the attention he will give her after flirting or 3 - they want something from him like the homework answers or the secret nuclear plans in his briefcase (depends on your age) Guys flirt because... What? There's a guy out there who knows how to flirt? This is very rare. Flirt means to tease and tempt and hint that you might like someone. Us guys tend to be very direct via nifty little compliments like, "Nice t!ts!" Guys, I do NOT recommend you ever compliment a girl on her boobies. WHEN YOU 1st MEET A GIRL, YOU SHOULD NEVER COMPLIMENT HER ON: * her eyes * her ba-donk-a-donk booty * the hair on her arms * the shape of her camel-toe Stick to HogWild Dating Rule #782: "Tell a beautiful woman she is smart and tell a smart woman she is beautiful." I know what you're thinking, "What if the woman is both smart AND beautiful?" Then she's out of your league so give up! HA HA HA! Guys, you don't want to be like every other dude. If a girl has beautiful eyes, don't you think every retard on the planet has gone up to her while drooling in his retard voice, "NiCE EyES! ME LiKEY! YOU WANt ICe CReAM? IcE CrEAM GOOD!" Be more creative. Get to know her a little bit so you can compliment her on something that is NOT obvious. People want to be complimented on something that they take pride in. Usually something that they work hard at, but not everyone appreciates. For example, if a girl compliments me by saying, "I like that you're tall." I will be like, "Um, thanks." Because I didn't DO anything to be tall. But if she compliments me on my awesome semi-hilarious web site then I will smile because that is something I take pride in. I work hard at it. Now I will open up to her and allow her to purchase me an adult beverage. Back to your question. If a guy flirts with you it is because either: 1 - he likes you 2 - he likes your friend or 3 - you have something he wants. Like Super Bowl tickets. So you asked me, "How can I tell if he likes me as more than a flirt-buddy?" What the hell is a flirt-buddy? Guys don't have flirt-buddies. When a guy says he has an F-buddy, the F does NOT stand for Flirt. Or French Fry. NOTE: I WISH I had a French Fry buddy! Like, whenever it's late and the bars are closing and I need someone to eat French Fries with, I call her! My FF-buddy! No, guys don't have flirt-buddies... Unless the guy is g@y. Non-heterosexual men are great at giving compliments and flirting because they are more in touch with their feminine side. Which is weird because they have no interest in touching feminine sides. Here's how you tell if he really likes you: Flirt back. Now does he flirt harder or does he pull away and make a face like he just vomited in his mouth? If you flirt back and he never asks you out, then he is just flirting with you to keep his options open. He's putting you on the bottom of the list of girls to call. Then you have the choice of working to get higher on his list or removing yourself from his list by not responding to his flirting. In fact, by not responding to his flirtatious flirting you might throw him off. Now he'll be interested in you because you are the 1 girl who refuses to fall under his spell. Remember HogWild Dating Rule #10,002: "People want what they can't have." Some guys will flirt with a girl to get to her friend. Because as guys we know that the less-attractive friend will c0ck-block us if they don't like us. So if we flirt with that girl, we figure she will like us. And then we go for her hotter friend. Then the 1st girl thinks her hotter friend stole the guy away. Nope. The guy was never interested in her. Your 2nd question: "Are relationships with flirty guys even worth it?" Sure! Why not? But ONLY if you are comfortable being with a guy who flirts with other women. Because you are NOT going to change this about him. Accept it or don't go out with him! If you think he MORE than flirts with other girls, that's when you have a problem. What I suggest is that you get an FF-buddy who is thoughtful enough to point his butt away from you while farting. You never know, your relationship could develop into something more. Today it's French Fries, but tomorrow he could be interested in your burgers!
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