♥ Dating Advice: Avoid these Tragic Mistakes when Complimenting a New Woman (How to compliment a woman to get her wanting you) Expert Dating Advice |
Expert Dating Advice
by me, HogWild
So many guys give awful compliments to a woman they’ve just met. CHEESY GUY: Those are pretty earrings. Make sure you don't forget them at my place tonight. The reason these guys give awful compliments is because they're not trying to GIVE to her. They’re trying to TAKE from her. A REAL compliment is supposed to GIVE a person a great feeling about themselves. A FAKE compliment is when you say something you think they want to hear because you anticipate getting something in return. People HATE fake compliments! SHOCKING NEWS: This just in... Girls are people too! This has been a special report. So here are the do's and don'ts of complimenting a new woman. Now, before the do's and don'ts we need to make sure you understand the difference between pretty and hot. Pretty girls are attractive. You want them. You are proud to have them as your girlfriend. They make you feel warm inside just by looking at them. You feel comfortable with them. Hot girls are VERY attractive. You want them. And so does everyone else. Guys turn around to look at them. People will stare at them. They make you feel slightly nervous. They make you say, "Wow." Hot girls can not be at the bar for 5 minutes without getting approached by dudes. When you walk down the street with a hot girl, other guys will look her over. Your pretty girl makes YOU happy. Your HOT girl makes EVERY guy happy-- in their pants! So now that you know the difference... you can understand the do's and don'ts I'm about to present to you. Oh, one more thing, when I say NEW girl, I mean a girl who doesn’t know you that well yet. So here are your... Do's and Don'ts of Complimenting a New Woman #1: NEVER compliment a new hot girl on her looks. Ever. If you do, you're like every other loser who has "fallen in love" with her looks. However, if she is pretty or um, less than pretty, she WILL appreciate such a compliment IF it is UNIQUE. HINT: If it's the first thing that pops in your head, it's probably NOT a unique compliment. "Nice eyes" is not good enough! If you want to compliment her looks try something she has worked hard on, such as... "Wow, you have such great hair! It's really beautiful. I like a girl who knows how to style her hair and take care of it." Again, if you do this with a hot chick (or a girl who THINKS she is hot) you will be dismissed. Compliment her on her fashion sense. "Great shoes. Very sexy." And this is crucial... KEEP IT MOVING! Do not pause for her reaction to your compliment. You don't CARE what she thinks of your compliment. You aren't saying it to score points, you're saying it because you're evaluating her. So keep TALKING. "Hey new girl, I gotta admit, I'm lovin' those bracelets. They're really funky. I like a girl with some personality! So are you like, in a rock band or something? Because you should be. I could see you being the lead singer, rockin' out on stage. Ya know, I'm in the music industry. I invented the digital MP3 format. Yep....Just kidding. But that would be pretty cool. I thought maybe you'd go for that seeing as I'm probably too dorky to pull of the rocker thing but you might believe that I'm a renegade computer programmer. hahha." Be playful and confident... If her bracelet has her name on it, you can say, "What you wear says what's important to you... so you have your NAME on your bracelet... interesting.. so YOU are most important to you. hahah. That's cool." Now here's the big secret to complimenting a girl to make her want you... This is taken from my Premium Members section where I post my new videos. Here are some more tips, but only Premium Members get the entire video + access to over 125 full dating and relationship videos in the Video Vault! - DO... be sincere. Don't say something you don't believe. YOU: I really like your designer hand bag. (muttering) It's probably full of condoms and butt lubricant. HER: What was that? YOU: Oh, um, I was just thinking that your bag is probably full of... condoms and butt lubricant. HER: Ugh. It IS! But now YOU'LL never get to use them! Jerk! - DON'T compliment her on stuff that she didn't earn such as her height or eyes or money that she inherited. YOU: You know what's great about you... all that cash. I mean, you did a great job being born into the billionaire family that invented the first medication for vaginal yeast infection. Who knew yeast could be so profitable! - The best compliments you can give a woman are the ones that demonstrate that YOU are... Only Premium Members have access to this Video! 1 - Learn more about the Premium Membership or 2 - You realize Life is Short, get the relationship you deserve and Join Now! Comment below! Guys, what compliments have you given women that seem to have worked? Girls, what are the best (and worst) compliments you've received?
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♥ Dating Advice: Avoid these Tragic Mistakes when Complimenting a New Woman (How to compliment a woman to get her wanting you) Expert Dating Advice |